Archive for October, 2015

10/26/15, 35 Awesome Quotes to Help Heal Your Relationship with Food & Body, by Jodie Gale

“Once you consider the extent of the magical thinking that tends to be tied in to the fantasy of thinness, you can understand how threatening it is to consider the idea that you may never get the thin body you crave. It means that you never get to become the person you want to be. Wow! No wonder it’s so painful to let go of the drive to lose weight! Accepting your body is not just about physicality, it’s about accepting who you are, not continuing to wait until you become the person you imagine being.” Linda Bacon

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10/5/15, Bustle, 12 Women Who Paved The Way For Body Positivity Before It Was A Buzzword, by Marie Southard Ospina

Although ideologies surrounding “health at every size” have been around since the ’60s, it was arguably Dr. Linda Bacon’s 2010 book of the same name that brought it to the forefront.

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